The following is a list of services we offer. Use these links to get there quicker:
Under the Workers’ Compensation system, our firm handles the medical and vocational case management of injured workers’ and their disability management. Utilizing vast knowledge of laws and statutes under the Chapter 440 Workers’ Compensation of Florida.
A written assessment performed by a qualified rehabilitation provider, which provides a comprehensive review of the medical diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis; includes conferences with the employer, physician, and claimant; and recommends a cost-effective physical and vocational rehabilitation plan to assist the employee in returning to suitable gainful employment.
This includes, but is not limited to, vocational services needed by the injured employee to secure suitable gainful employment. Such services include counseling for adjustment to disability, vocational counseling, vocational and functional capacity assessments, job seeking skills training, self employment assistance and selective job placement, arranging other services such as education or training (vocational and on-the-job), which may be needed by the injured worker and monitoring the injured worker’s progress towards attainment of the identified vocational goal. For the purpose of this subsection, “selective job placement” means a process by matching the needs and abilities of the injured worker with the requirements and demands of specific job.
Coordinating physician and mental restoration services, such as medical, psychiatric, or therapeutic treatment for injured workers. Provide health teaching to injured employees and families, monitoring the injured employee’s recovery process to maximize recovery, minimize disability, and prevent complications. The purpose of medical care coordination is to minimize the recovery period without jeopardizing medical stability, to assure that proper medical treatment and other restorative services are timely provided in a logical sequence, and to contain medical costs.
Our firm provides counseling for disability-related concerns, and when appropriate, we provide access and assistance to the labor market and identifying job placement opportunities through our job placement services.
Utilization of various standard testing methods in the areas of academics, personality, interests, aptitudes, and intelligence, to determine the skill level, potential for retraining and job placement, as well as occupational interests.
A computerized analysis of an injured worker’s past relevant work experience, education, results of testing, and adjusting the injured worker’s profile to reflect their post injury functional limitations as outlined by their physician. This analysis is performed in order to identify potential vocational options, within a worker’s trait qualifications.
Consists of determining the existence of available jobs within the open labor market and geographical area. Job openings are identified in the claimant's labor market area commensurate with their skill level and physical abilities. Direct contact is made with prospective employers through telephone contact and/or on-site visits. Conducted and supervised by a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and/or Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE) level professionals.
Our firm provides both factual and opinion testimony in civil cases. We are qualified to testify in various counties within Florida.
Evaluation is made of the tasks performed, educational requirements, physical demands and environmental working conditions of a particular position. The written analysis and/or videotaped analysis can be reviewed with the treating physician for medical approval.
There has been a need for substantive data to support requests for permanent, term, or rehabilitative alimony, through an assessment of current earning capacity or vocational potential. An employability or spousal rehabilitation assessment is performed to determine the highest level of occupational functioning, ability to make a financial contribution, and need for training and education.
This evaluation is utilized to assess wage earning capacity, and potential wage earning of spouses through specified testing, vocational research, and identification of the number of current openings in the local labor market. The purpose of a vocational evaluation is to review a person’s physical and intellectual capabilities, their aptitudes and achievements, and work related behaviors to identify the most cost-effective means towards their return to suitable gainful employment. The evaluation is also to determine if spouse(s) is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, and if the spouse(s) is making his/her best effort in job search.
As assessment to determine the possibility for return to school, information on retraining program completion, identify goals (monthly, quarterly, and yearly), and return to work plan.
Our firm provides both factual and opinion testimony in civil cases. We are qualified to testify in various counties within Florida.
Assisting clientele across the Tampa bay area with coping skills and behavior modifications towards a healthy lifestyle. Services offered include psychotherapy, counseling in individual, marital, and family, parenting skills, grief counseling, training for downsizing, stress reduction and coping with the sudden loss of a co-worker are some of the topics presented and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing for both organizations and companies.